Sunday, May 13, 2012

"Turn To You (Mother's Day Dedication)" Justin Bieber

When you're one of the biggest pop stars on the planet, writing a song for Mom is probably a sweet and occupationally appropriate way to celebrate Mother's Day. Recording that tune of devotion and turning it into a digital single? That just seems grandiose and a tad crass, especially when the song in question is as terrible as Justin Bieber's "Turn To You (Mother's Day Dedication)." Reaching for stately gravitas, this Sparks Notes version of the Biebs' biography instead sounds like a dirge, favoring heavy confessions and an even heavier melody that don't suit the normally celebratory holiday. What's more, despite more melodramatic twists than your average telenovela, the message of "Turn To You" doesn't come off as all that compelling or, frankly, very sincere. (Blame, perhaps, the track's four co-writers.) There's no question, your momma deserves better today—and so does his. D+

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