Monday, November 5, 2012

"Little Things" One Direction

On their exhilarating debut single, the boys from One Direction showered love upon a girl who doesn't know how she beautiful she is. Now it's become clear that they may, in fact, have something to do with that. "Little Things," their first ballad release (co-written by Ed Sheeran of "The A Team" fame), spends three-and-a-half painfully intimate minutes pointing out all the supposed flaws that cause the unnamed leading lady's self-doubt—freckles, crinkly eyes, chubby stomach—before doubling back with a simple "But I'll love them endlessly" and "You're perfect to me." Uh-uh, guys, it doesn't work like that. Best keep those thoughts to yourself next time—even if you feel the urge to express them via stripped-down acoustic guitar arrangement and supple man-on-man harmonies (complete with a self-serious black-and-white video to match). D+

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