Friday, November 2, 2012

"Little Talks" Of Monsters and Men

Every once in a while, a hit song completely passes you by. Such was the case with the whimsical, propulsive "Little Talks," the debut single from Icelandic indie rock outfit Of Monsters and Men. I heard it for the first time last week, as I was scanning past on the radio, and I was immediately struck by its tender coed harmonies and blasting trumpet. In the excitement of my discovery, I failed to realize how late to the game I was; "Talks" reached the top of Billboard's alternative chart this summer. But better late than never, I suppose. The song's juxtaposition of melancholy storytelling—that of a woman talking to her recently deceased husband—against energetic, six-piece revelry (punctuated by celebratory cheers) is a stunner, evoking a gorgeous, cathartic swirl of pain and joy. It would have been a shame to miss this one altogether. A

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