Monday, March 19, 2012

"Wild Ones" Flo Rida ft. Sia

Being a "singles artist" might just be the ultimate pop star insult—after all, if an album drops in a forest and no one is there to buy it, does it make a sound?—but there's really no other way to classify Flo Rida. The rapper shows up every couple of months with a new song, turns it into a surprise hit and then disappears again without a trace while America sits back, barely batting an eyelash. So on the heels of last summer's "Good Feeling" comes "Wild Ones," another club banger currently taking over iTunes and pop radio. Flo Rida's lyrical content hasn't changed much since his first smash—he's still busy getting low, low, low on the dance floor—but "Wild" connects on an emotional level like none of his work has since, well, ever. Thank Sia, whose full-throated, bright-eyed take on the chorus turns the song into an anthem of freedom. I'd love to hear what she could do with the whole thing. B+

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