Friday, March 2, 2012

"Live My Life" Far East Movement ft. Justin Bieber

It's the collaboration that nobody's been waiting for: breakthrough Asian-American hip-hop group Far East Movement (whose moment was pretty much over as soon as Dev finished singing the hook on their #1 hit "Like a G6") and Justin Bieber, the latest thorn in adult America's side, join forces on "Live Your Life," an Ibiza-flavored club banger so generic that it makes "Glad You Came" sound like a battle cry for musical revolution. Despite a cavalcade of swirling synths, the entire production is incredibly monotone, with Far East Movement's elementary rhymes falling away into the background and Bieber's vocals on the oddly listless hook rendered practically unrecognizable by artificial deepening that makes him sound vaguely like Enrique Iglesias. If this is what dance-pop has come to, then it might be time to put a nail in its proverbial coffin. C-

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