Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever)" ft. Mick Jagger and Jennifer Lopez

If's solo "career" has taught us anything, it's that Fergie must be the muse that keeps him producing listenable work. Because seriously, this latest offering—the lead single from his forthcoming album, #willpower—is horrible. Way too long at almost five minutes, "T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever)" sounds like a Black Eyed Peas cast-off (think a mash-up between the swaggerific synths of "Imma Be" and the computerized beeps of "Clumsy") mixed with some truly headache-inducing static buzzing. The song momentarily becomes bearable during Jennifer Lopez's hook (equally repetitive and danceable), but it's unclear what wanted from her besides name recognition; her already thin contribution is Auto-Tuned to the high heavens. When Mick Jagger inexplicably takes over vocal duties for the last minute of the track, things completely fly off the handle. It's all a terrible techno fever dream that just won't end. D+

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