Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Sorry For Party Rocking" LMFAO

Electropop duo LMFAO has been everywhere this past year: First, the dance phenomenon "shuffling" took over the summer thanks to their guilty pleasure smash "Party Rock Anthem." Then, follow-up ear assault "Sexy and I Know It" hit #1 last fall on the strength of a Speedo-tastic music video. Now they're back to chase away the winter blues with the title track from their album Sorry for Party Rocking, pretty much sounds like a mash-up between their last two hits. Also, it's terrible. The song's refrain is dripping with more douchey sarcasm and misplaced confidence than you can shake a drunken frat boy at. Fortunately, "rappers" Redfoo and SkyBlu hardly matter on a track like this; the swirling, pounding synths are cranked so loud that it almost crowds out those nagging thoughts of how much you're hating yourself. That is, unless you catch a whiff of the lyrics. "Yo, I be up in the party/looking for a hottie to bone," the first verse begins. Just...ew. D-

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