Monday, September 17, 2012

"Your Body" Christina Aguilera

Twice before, Christina Aguilera has launched a new album with a sexified makeover, and twice before, her "XXXtina" persona has been met with swift public rejection. (In 2002, Stripped's lead single, "Dirrty," tanked on the charts, while "Not Myself Tonight"...well, I'm sure Aguilera would rather forget 2010's Bionic altogether.) So it makes perfect sense that the first release from Lotus—her upcoming fifth studio album and much-hyped comeback following a high-profile stint on NBC's The Voice—features Aguilera screaming, "All I want to do is fuck your body!" Indeed, this is exactly what America has been yearning to hear from the big-voiced diva and 31-year-old mother. Yet there is an undeniable trashy appeal to "Your Body," which finds Aguilera following her peers into the radio-friendly waters of producers Martin and Shellback. Its slow-burning groove has a seductive sleaziness about it that should rile listeners into questionable fits of self-worship just in time for the chorus—so raunchy and hard-hitting and loud—to explode in their faces. It's like a regrettable one-night stand that you can't help but secretly kind of enjoy—and isn't that what great pop music is all about? B-

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