Thursday, July 12, 2012

Throwback Thursday: "I Kissed a Girl" Katy Perry

Not even half a decade since its release, it's hard to think back on the massive success of "I Kissed a Girl" and not feel a twinge of regret. Removed from the blustering buzz surrounding Katy Perry's shock-and-awe breakthrough and the question of whether or not the song is homophobic, it becomes readily apparent that "Kissed" is not actually all that good. In fact, it's kind of bad. The rock-ified electro beats, in particular, sound grimy and cheap; the whiny minor-chord chorus makes for an ugly (if effective) hook, adding to the sleaziness of the whole production. Worst of all, it's almost laughable how stupidly basic the song's exploitation is. ("I kissed a girl just to try it/I hope my boyfriend don't mind it" could be the script treatment for a low-budget porno.) How did we all fall for this act again? I'd be ready to say "Kissed" stands out as one of the worst #1 hits ever, but some truly wretched crap has occupied the top spot of the Hot 100 in recent years. It's probably enough to just slap it with a D and go back to ignoring its existence.

Four years ago this week, "I Kissed a Girl" was the #1 song on the Billboard Hot 100.

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